Lombard Lions Club

District 1J    Lombard, Illinois USA




Date: June 20, 2005

Community Vision & Hearing program:
We have not received any requests for assistance since my last report.
So far we have spent $900.00 on this budget. If we were still using the old system, helping 17 residents would have cost us approx. $4,500.00.

New Member Department:
Lion Scott and Lion Ernie have asked me to remind all Lions we need to increase our membership and start inviting someone to a meeting as a perspective member. September is not far off and now is a good time to start thinking of asking a friend or local person if he/she would like to be considered for membership. Tell them we need people willing to put in some time and effort enabling us in our fight against vision and hearing impairment.

Where we spend your money Department:
We have passed a motion to help a disabled person to acquire a computer and monitor, through D.O.N.K.A. If you remember, their purpose is to help people with disabilities to learn computer skills and hopefully get them into the work force.
We did not send anyone to the World Affairs seminar this year due to a lack of request.

Calendar of Events:
You probably won’t get this in time but I know that Gloria Tobey has already sent you a reminder for the picnic at Lion Dave Hulseberg’s house. Thanks very much Dave for offering up your home and taking the time and effort to put this social event together.
CANDY DAY 2005 is fast approaching and Lions Jerry and Ernie are gearing up already. We need you to assist in sending out letters to local companies and friends and anyone you think would be kind enough to lend us a hand in this endeavor. Please contact Lion Ernie and ask him for a kit to get you started as soon as possible. You can also help out now by letting Ernie know that you are willing to underwrite a case or 2 of candy. Please help us make this the best Candy Day ever!

Installation Dinner and Golf Outing:
Monday June 6th, was our annual Golf outing and Installation Dinner. The pig roast and barbecue Ribs and all the trimmings and fixings were fabulous and if you didn’t attend, you missed out on some great food and good company. Many thanks to Lion Ross Caputo for putting this event together for us again.
Lion Ernie did a masterful job of Master of ceremonies and some nice plaques and awards were given out to those well deserving members. Look for the photos to be posted on our website soon.

Sarah’s Shack or no Sarah’s Shack. Your board is about to decide soon whether or not we will continue to use the current wooden shack on Lilac day next year. There is some concern about the cost of purchasing or renting a tent big enough to hold our stuff and even if we use a tent, we will still have to have shelves and enclosed sides to it. The club will keep you posted as to what will happen with this project. I have not had the official report as to how much money we took in at Lilac Day this year but you should hear by the end of the next board meeting.

I want to thank Lion Ernie for a great job of President the last year and a half. I have held the office twice for this club and I can tell you, at times, it’s no picnic. Lion Ernie has shown me more energy in the last year than I have seen in a guy half his age. It’s not easy trying to lead a large group of people (all of whom have their own opinion of how things should be done) into one big happy and profitable service organization. I ask that you remember this for our new President Lion Paul. He is a guy who is young enough to have the energy and intelligent enough to find ways of making us work together in a fashion suitable to helping us serve others. My best wishes to Paul for a successful year.

This is the last newsletter I will be putting together for you. I have decided to put my efforts in another direction for the club. I don’t know who will be taking my place but whoever it is, I wish him/her the best of luck. Thanks for listening to my pleas for your help and thanks to all of you for making me feel knowledgeable enough to keep you informed.
As always, the calendar of our activities and meetings is on our website. www.lombardlions.org Please go there and check it out so you will have no excuse why you didn’t know what was going on, or when it was going on. It is your club. Get involved!

See you at the next meeting, take care and God bless,
Lion Dom



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